Our core values control our operations and decisions.  Our values serve as guides and boundaries.  These are used every day by our whole team for two reasons:

·         We think they are right for us and for our clients.

·         It simplifies everything.


This is an incredibly loaded value.  It means honesty and accuracy.  It means ethical behavior for us and our clients.  It dictates that the financial statements or tax returns reflect current reality.  Sometimes this is inconvenient or unpleasant, but it is critical that we act truthfully.


We are CPAs and advisors, but we are servants first. Our business—and any business—will fail if we do not serve our customers. This is a daily priority. We also believe in serving our team members and our community. 


We plan for and address bunny-hill issues before they become mountains. We know from experience that procrastinating a decision only worsens a problem. There is a better way. We will only work with clients that want to be proactive. While no one is perfect at this, we can all strive for improvement.


To serve our clients, education is key. We always seek new information and better ways of doing things. We strive to help deepen our clients’ understanding of various issues. When you know more about a particular problem, you make better decisions. That is why we offer workshops and opportunities for personal and business growth.\


Just as a car’s tires need to be balanced to function well, we need to live balanced lives. We’re not in the business of ignoring our personal lives just to make more money. We believe there is a better way. It is important not to sacrifice your health, your family or your soul just to sell more products and services. To live balanced lives, we need to be proactive and plan for the future, be honest with ourselves about our motives, and create a culture of honesty in our businesses. These efforts lead to more informed decisions to create businesses that truly serve the community.  Only then have we succeeded.