Main Idea
When was the last time you went into a restaurant and you were not greeted promptly, you sat at the table for 10 minutes before the waiter came, you had to wait to place your order, you can’t find your waiter for 15 minutes at a time, it took forever (1 hour) to get your order, or the food was not very good?
Expansion of Idea
All of these happened to my family in one evening a couple of weeks ago, except for the not so good food. (We paid our bill and left before we got to that point.) The only complicated part of the night is the preparation of the food and frankly that is not the number one reason I don’t go back to restaurants. If they can’t get the simple things right, I really don’t care how good the food may or may not be.
Are there fundamental things that you positively have to get right? These things may or may not be related to your core part of the business. I realize that I have to get your tax returns right. But I can lose clients really fast if I decide not to return your phone calls for a few weeks or if I give your financial statements to another client by mistake. At the core of my business is a fundamental focus on customer service. And I would suggest that it is not much different from your business. As a follow up to last week’s coaching suggestion, this would be a good place to start. You could work with your team and discuss some fundamentals of your business. Are you clear on what is expected? Have you communicated that with your team?
Suggested Areas to Start
List out 3-5 fundamental things that you must get right in your business
Post them on a bulletin board at your offices
Discuss them with your team