September 16, 2009 - Are You Serving Your Business?

Main Idea

What is the purpose of a leader?  When was the last time you saw a leader really serve his followers and organization?  Or do the followers exist to serve the leader?

Expansion of Idea

I was watching a Fox News program the other day regarding the situation in Honduras.  They were interviewing the interim president about his role.  The previous president was deposed by their Supreme Court and military because he was trying to become like Chavez in Venezuela.  He was going to be president for life.  This went against the Honduras constitution and therefore he was forcibly kicked out of the country.  They have a rule that the president can only serve for one term because they know that there is a tendency to embrace the power.  The key point here is that the leader should be there to serve the country instead of the country there to serve him. 

The same is true for business.  Have you ever worked for someone who focused on helping you with your job and your life?  You probably worked harder, were more effective and were much happier with your life.  Everyone wins.  The problem is that life gets in the way and leaders have a hard time staying focused on helping their coworkers.  It takes a constant reminder about what we are supposed to be doing and why are we doing that.  This is also true about our responsibilities to our coworkers and bosses.  We can be servant leaders to our bosses and to our fellow workers.  This is not about just helping those who report to us.  This is a mindset for how to live our lives.  Remember “Power Corrupts.  Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.” 

Start by Asking Yourself One Question: