February 25, 2010 - Where is the Current Taking You?

Main Idea

What do you floating on a raft down the Mississippi River, and you sitting at your desk at work have in common?

Expansion of Idea

The answer is that for most of us, we are going to go where the current takes us.  In other words, we are going to take the path of least resistance.  It is human nature to do a task in the easiest manner possible.  We do not like to create confrontations.  We are too busy and do not have time to finish the project properly. 

Do you take the time to make sure a customer or employee is really the right fit for your company?  Do you take the time to do your due diligence when evaluating a long-term partnership?  Do you ever take the time to stop and think about what you might need to reevaluate?  Do you tell your boss that you cannot take on another duty because your existing duties are going to suffer? 

We are afraid to rock the boat and question how things are done.  We are afraid to suggest a better way.  We are afraid to tell a potential customer that we are not the right fit for their business.  We are afraid to tell a customer that he really needs something different than what he is ordering.  WE ARE AFRAID.  As a result, we give the client what they order instead of what they need.  By doing this we sell everyone short.  We meet short term sales goals but we may miss guaranteeing a long-term client by providing a solution that is truly perfect for them.  We fail to have that tough conversation with an employee because we are afraid of hurting their feelings.  In the process, we guarantee mediocrity for the employee and for the business. 

Suggested Areas to Start

  1. Think about where the current is taking you.

  2. Are there any areas of your life where you have been riding the current instead of doing the tough job of fighting it?

  3. Are you happy with where it is going?

  4. Do you have the energy to change where you are going?

  5. Should you change where you are going?