
January 21, 2009 - What is Your Vision?

"Alice:. thank you, but- but I just wanted to ask you which way I ought to go.
Cheshire Cat: Well, that depends on where you want to get to.
Alice: Oh, it really doesn't matter,
Cheshire Cat: Then it really doesn't matter which way you go!"

From Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Main Idea

Do you need glasses for your business?  Can you see where your business needs to go?  Or are you in the middle of Interstate 55 in central Illinois in the middle of a snowstorm?  Why was Barack Obama elected versus John McCain?

Expansion of Idea

Vision is critical for us to see and explore the world.  When we can’t see properly the world is fuzzy and if not corrected ultimately leads to mistakes and problems because we stumble over an obstacle.  There is more to it than just seeing clearly.  When untreated, we can get headaches and other illnesses because some part of our body isn’t working right. 

The same is true for our businesses.  When we can’t see the future and where we are going, our whole organization can suffer.  Right now, it is incredibly hard to imagine what is going to happen in the business environment.  But that does not mean that we should not have a vision of how we want our businesses to operate.  Too many of us are like Alice.  We have not clearly thought through where we want our businesses to be.  By clearly identifying where we want to go, our path there and how we will operate, we are well on our way.  Too many of us have our heads down with the current economy and are just dodging issues instead of focusing on the bigger picture and determining if there are better opportunities.  Whenever there are major changes in the business environment, there are huge opportunities.  It doesn’t mean that they will pay off immediately, but it does mean that we can run better businesses. 

Suggested Areas to Start

  1. Describe how you see your business or your part of the business to a coworker, partner, spouse, customer or anyone off the street.

  2. Ask for feedback.  Is it clear? 

  3. Keep redoing the above steps until you have a clear vision.  Then communicate it.