November 25, 2009 - How Do I Handle Life's Curveballs?

Main Idea

How often do you have a good idea and a good plan and then life gets in the way?  What happens to your plan?  Do you abandon it and find another plan?  Or do you restart it?   

Expansion of Idea

I haven’t written my weekly business idea the last four weeks simply because I have been overloaded with stuff to do.  Some of it is business, some of it is personal.  As a result, I was not able to follow through on my weekly business ideas.  I realize that they are not critical for your success.  Hopefully they do help.   However, it is part of my business plan.  That is the way life is.  We get thrown a few curveballs along the way.  The key is how we handle them. 

With all of the problems and opportunities over the past few weeks, I kept telling myself one thing.  I have been tremendously blessed.  I appreciate the struggles because they help me stay focused on my priorities.  When life is too comfortable, we take too much for granted.  In a lot of situations, it is our family, close friends, coworkers and customers that we take for granted. 

Actually, I told myself a couple more things. 

  • What can I learn from this situation?

  • Can I do something different in the future to avoid it? 

Those are questions for another idea.  The key is that we keep a spirit of thankfulness.  I think that is a big key to serving others in the community, in our workplace and in our lives.  And that is a competitive advantage.

Start by Asking Yourself these Questions:

  • What am I thankful for?

  • Have I told anyone recently that I appreciate their support, help or business?

  • Work on your spirit of thankfulness.